
Call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download
Call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download

call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download

  • FJX Cinder Weapon Vault: More details on the FJX Cinder Weapon Vault and the new Gunsmith will be shared closer to Modern Warfare 2’s launch.
  • The Red Team 141 Pack: Features day-one access to multiplayer Operators Ghost, Farah, Price, and Soap wearing a special masked outfit themed around the legendary mercenary Ghost.
  • In addition to the base game, the Vault Edition contains the following: Available for all platforms, it is the highest-tier version and will run you $99.99 or your regional equivalent. We play in the unit of General Shepard, who organized the OTG-141 special service, aimed at destroying Makarov.The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Vault Edition is considered the ultimate edition. However, a split occurred at the level of the rulers, and Vladimir Makarov again created a small terrorist group that strikes at Western countries. Imran Zakhaev died, but his terrorist group continued to live.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download

    The plot is not as exciting as the co-op and multiplayer modes. A tactical landing and special equipment were also implemented. Knives, shields, shotguns, rocket launchers and several new pistols have been added to the multiplayer mode. For example, survival - you need to destroy as many enemies as possible in a certain period seizure of territory - you need to climb into the territory occupied by the enemy and hold it for time.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download

    The developers focused on the cooperative and multiplayer mode, where each player pre-selects a character class, votes for the map and then starts playing in an open area, where he performs his duties, and also tries to complete the task on the map. The space idea is also quite colorful and playable. Only in CoD: MW 2 will we be able to fight on snowy slopes, ride a snowmobile and shoot opponents in the open - in the sea or in the ocean. Only in this part is two-handed shooting implemented - in Macedonian style, using sawn-off shotguns or pistols. For example, shoot down a helicopter from an anti-aircraft gun, shoot opponents at one level and break through to another, rescue a hostage, or drive through a small area and break into a protected base, taking possession of a machine gun mount. At the same time, the missions will be less difficult. The developers brought gameplay into the plot of this part for several original characters from the regular parts and special services. There will also be several missions in Earth orbit. We will have time to visit the thickets of Brazil, to understand why it is so easy for a terrorist group to develop in Afghanistan. Now our coverage area will be a special base in Russia, Kazakhstan. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - linear continuation of MW 1. Improved graphics, gameplay, many added weapons and action location.

    Call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download